Being the next Carmen Electra or Paris Hilton might or might not appeal to all you Matias Fernandez Chile Jersey , but there are things that do appeal to you, and you don't do them.
Maybe this is because you lacked the confidence to reach out for it or maybe this is because you just we're not sure it was right for you.
In this article I want to help you use lack of confidence as your indicator ? showing you when you should clearly hold back and when you should go for it.
The first thing you need to get clear on is what you want. You need to know what your outcome is going to be. When I say this I don't just mean in any old day-to-day situation Mark Gonzalez Chile Jersey , I mean in your life as a whole.
There's an effective way to look at your life as a whole, gain clarity and boost your confidence all in one shot. Shall I share how with you?
There is nothing more effective in creating confidence than knowing how you want things to work out. When you do this you educate yourself. From the point of knowledge you can make an educated decision and literally pivot your whole life from where you are now to your ultimate destiny? and all the success and happiness you can imagine.
If you know clearly the 'what' and the 'why' of your life then you can look at daily events and never again need to consider if you have the ability or if you can or can't pull it off.
When you know the 'what' and the why' you look at life differently. You no longer look at your life and question your ability with can I or can't I or could I or should I questions. Knowing 'what' and 'why' gives you a new kind of power.
When you know 'what' and 'why' you look at daily events and never question your ability. You do this because you now know clearly how life is going to be. The question you will now ask yourself is: will I? And this subtle question can change your life.
When you're focussed on your meaning and direction instead of your level of ability your energy becomes channelled and focussed. It hones in on the outcome with such clarity that your chances of success literally explode.
The most powerful way I've found to find the 'what' and the why' and you're meaning and direction is to work on what your life is all about. You do this by discovering and understanding Life Purpose.
Life Purpose is based on the idea that you have a unique gift and a distinctive way of expressing it that will benefit others. When you discover and understand your life purpose you unlock your full potential.
Are you someone who wants to develop greater confidence? Jo Ball is developing the next generation of people who want to succeed in career, relationships and life through Life Purpose At Unstoppable Life. Join Jo's Fr>ee newsletter now and discover what others worldwide are already discovering. Respond Jose Pedro Fuenzalida Chile Jersey , don't react.
Have you ever had something bad happen to you when you least expect it? How do you handle that situation? Do you react or do you respond to that situation? These questions are questions that you need to have the answer for BEFORE you come across them.
A lot of people react to their situations. Like if someone loses their job suddenly, they get into a panic Johnny Herrera Chile Jersey , fret about their future, and sell all of their possessions to ensure that they have enough money for their short term future without even thinking about the effect of those actions. Instead Jean Beausejour Chile Jersey , they should respond in an orderly and calm and concise manner. That way their actions and thoughts will be strategic and directed to ensure that they will rise above the immediate situation.
Let's look at the effect of both reacting and responding.
When you react, you are working and operating in the moment. There is no forethought to the future Gonzalo Jara Chile Jersey , just the present. Now whilst the present situation may seem hopeless right there and then, your next move will dictate your future results. A wrong or thoughtless decision may keep you in that state of despair longer than you would like.
Reacting is more an emotional process. We all get caught up in the emotional minute Gary Medel Chile Jersey , but living a life like that will only ensure constant work and addressing.
Reacting to a situation will only provide a short term solution. The problem with that is that you will need to go back and continue to handle not only the situation that put you there in the first place but also the following situations that path has taken you down. Your life will be full of constant effort and work that will feel like you are going from drama to drama. In the end it will feel like you are on a round-a-bout with no idea where the exit is.
Now if you respond to life's dramas, you then have more chance to control your future outcomes. You see responding instead of reacting means that you have thought about your current situation Francisco Silva Chile Jersey , and you have planned a way to move forward. Your focus is not on a short term fix or solution but on a long term one. Responding to situations takes patience and a calm approach. We all need to plan our direction. That is something that most everybody knows. But you also need to plan your response to dramas or dilemmas that you may encounter throughout life. Now don't freak out over the planning process. It could be as simple as ensuring that you step back from the situation, stop Fabian Orellana Chile Jersey , evaluate the reality of the situation and then move forward with an understanding of the desired outcome.