Constipation - Causes And Home Remedies Health Articles | May 27 Womens Foster Moreau Jersey , 2011 Constipation may be defined as a disorder characterized by the improper bowel movement. Drying or hardening of stool in the rectum leads to much difficulty and straining for long hours while moving bowel.
Constipation may be defined as a disorder characterized by the body's incapacity to move bowel freely and properly. Drying and hardening of stool in the rectum leads to much difficulty and straining for long hours while moving bowel. Therefore the process of moving bowel is quite painful for a person with constipation. Over-exertion may at times result in another ailment called piles. One bowel movement each day is the normal pattern of bowel movement. Depending upon bowel movement counts, constipation may be classified as acute, severe and chronic. Sudden or recent onset of constipation in the midst of normal bowel moving pattern is referred to as acute constipation.?
We all have experienced acute constipation some times or the other. Chronic constipation is one that continues for long duration. Less than one bowel movement per week is referred to as severe constipation. Constipation produces symptoms like infrequent bowel movement, pressurizing while passing stool, passage of hard stool, feeling of incomplete evacuation of bowel Womens Isaiah Johnson Jersey , coated tongue, bad breath, headache, giddiness, loss of appetite, occurrence of pimples Womens Maxx Crosby Jersey , abdominal pain, vomiting and nausea, dark circles under eyes, unexplained weight loss, acidity, mouth ulcer Womens Trayvon Mullen Jersey , varicose vein and rectal bleeding.?
The root-cause of constipation lies in the delayed or slow movement of digesting food through colon. When digesting food passes through colon, colon absorbs the water from it, thereby forming the waste material or stool which is pushed towards the rectum by means of muscular contractions in colon. When colon absorbs all or more water than usual, the stool becomes extremely hard, dry and sticky and too difficult to be passed out during bowel movement. In such a case, the person is said to be constipated. Occurrence of constipation may be attributed to the following factors:
1. Aging 2. Excessive consumption of dairy products. 3. Low fiber diet 4. Inadequate water intake 5. Irregular eating habit 6. Inactivity 7. Weak abdominal muscles 8. Stress 9. Resisting frequently the urge of bowel movement. 10. Irregular routine of bowel movement 11. Overuse of laxatives resulting in weak colon muscles. 12. Medications like narcotic pain relievers Womens Johnathan Abram Jersey , antidepressants, anticonvulsants, iron supplements, certain antacids etc. 13. Irritable bowel syndrome 14. Certain diseases like hypothyroidism, Parkinson's disease, spinal cord injuries Womens Josh Jacobs Jersey , multiple sclerosis, scleroderma, depression, diabetes, colon tumors, colonic inertia Womens Clelin Ferrell Jersey , intestinal pseudo-obstruction etc. 15. Hormonal fluctuation during pregnancy, menses, menopause etc.
Home Remedies for Constipation
1. Eat home made bread made out of one part of wheat and two parts of black gram powder along with husk. This ensures effective cleansing of bowel.
2. Boil 10-12 dry, seedless grapes in milk. Drink the milk and chew the grapes after dinner. This is an effective home remedy for constipation.
3. Eat mangoes in plenty. Mango relieves constipation.
4. Take dates soaked in milk along with the milk. This prevents constipation.
5. Eat a guava early morning in empty stomach. This is an effective constipation cure.
6. Drink half cup cabbage juice 2 times daily. This helps to get rid of constipation.
7. Drink a glass full of carrot juice mixed with spinach juice and get freedom from constipation.
8. Drink a mixture of half cup olive oil and half cup orange juice daily. This cures constipation.
9. Take 3-4 teaspoons of castor oil regularly to put an end to constipation.
10. Drink a glass of hot water by mixing in to it, lime juice and a pinch of salt. This provides relief from constipation.
11. Drinking the water stored in copper vessel overnight, cleans bowel thoroughly. It might be a bit early to feel cold Womens Antonio Brown Jersey , but it's never too early to speak of wintery trends. We are always eager to find out all about the cold season's popular items, and now we choose to shed the light on coats. The latest jacket trends for women are awesome, with updates on classic styles, and some newer looks as well. What makes this season's coats really special is the fact that they are voluminous and bright, so you can just wear them over any regular outfit, and you'll be good to go Womens Derek Carr Jersey , looking really cozy and chic. Here are seven designs for this winter's coats for women... just choose one of them and slip it on. Velvet Coats: Velvet coats are distinguished by their luxurious fabrics that are soft enough to sleep in. You can choose a chunky topper that will last you through winter, especially when layered. You can also wear blazer styles that provide a flashy finish for evening wear. Shaggy Coats: Shaggy coats are big and voluminous. They can be really fuzzy, and with that they add a whole lot of texture to any regular outfit, such as a t-shirt and jeans. Trench Coats with Updates: Trench coats for women are always in style. They stay in your closet from winter to winter, and they can never go out of style. This season, choose a trench coat that is a bit different than the usual. The updated trench has super stylish details. It either comes in the classic camel shade with fancy buttons and an oversize silhouette Womens Bo Jackson Jersey , or it's in a flashy material like leather or PVC. Mixed Material: What we mean with mixed material is a jackets with more than one fabric, one color and lots of designs in them. It can be a varsity jacket or a mid-length peac. Wholesale JerseysWholesale JerseysCheap Jerseys From ChinaCheap NFL JerseysCheap NFL Jerseys ChinaCheap NFL Jerseys From ChinaCheap Authentic NFL JerseysWholesale JerseysCheap NFL JerseysCheap Authentic Jerseys