Opportunities In The Guise Of Problems Self Help Articles | July 17 Brandon Manning Jersey Womens , 2007 The practice of Ho'oponopono is a simple one. It's a process of cleaning and erasing shared collective memories, coming to the sacred place of inspiration, where motivation occurs from inner purity an...
The practice of Ho'oponopono is a simple one. It's a process of cleaning and erasing shared collective memories, coming to the sacred place of inspiration, where motivation occurs from inner purity and loving grace.
This is done by inwardly and ceaselessly chanting: I love you Darnell Nurse Jersey Womens , Thank you, Please forgive me (for the part I played in bringing about this problem), I am sorry (for the part I played.)
This is what Ho'oponopono calls taking 100% responsibility.
When a problem or a challenge surfaces in the mind, or in our shared experience, these phrases transform the situation. They heal the confusion felt as chaotic emotion and leave in its place a clarity Adam Larsson Jersey Womens , a crystal clear mind where healing occurs.
However, when I am in a state of what appears to be insurmountable conflict, I use Byron Katie's "The Work" to help me.
Byron Katie's "The Work" is a process where a "problem" is scrutinized with Inquiry, or a series of questions, that puts the responsibility right back where it belongs--inside yourself.
The 4 questions of Byron Katie's "The Work"
1) Is it true?
2) Can you absolutely know for sure that it's true?
3) How do you react when you think that thought?
4) Who would I be without that thought?
---and turn it around---
I went to see Filmmaker Michael Moore's "Sicko" which had an effect I did not expect or anticipate. Not only was the U.S. health care system exposed like an open wound Kris Russell Jersey Womens , but the health care of European countries, Canada and Cuba was also investigated.
These were humane and charitable in comparison to our system.
Not that I haven't seen our system at work for the past 23 years of my nursing career.
I remember fighting with health insurance companies for payment when advocating for my patients, doing nurse practitioner work. Additionally, four other people were hired to exclusively deal with the denied claims of our indigent patient population.
When one of my 4 year old patients was in a car accident and paralyzed from the waist down, we held a fund raiser to help fund a handicap accessible van for him.
I sat with the child's grandmother at the catered luncheon. She told us she was going to suggest that the money we raise should go to buy the child's catheter supplies and medicines.
"You mean his insurance is not covering these?" I asked.
Back at the office on Monday, we got to work and confronted the insurance company, demanding that they reimburse all past medical supplies. (Thankfully, the child's mother kept all past receipts).
While this issue was resolved, how many more were falling through the proverbial cracks?
How much harm Connor McDavid Jersey Womens , even death was our dysfunctional health insurance system causing patients in our care, without our knowledge?
The American Health Care system is sick, but as Ho'oponopono teaches, we can heal it, by healing our perceptions of it.
It's an inside job.
Byron Katie's "The Work" offers an opportunity to work through stressful beliefs that bring inner tension. I was able to use the One-Belief-At-A- Time Worksheet to work through the following one-liner: The American Health Care System won't take care of me when I am old.
I was privileged to have a partner Leon Draisaitl Jersey Womens , whom had been through the School Of The Work, help me see the fallacy of my thinking.
So, the American Health Care System won't take care of me when I am old.
Is this true?
Can you absolutely know for sure that it's true?
Well, no.
How do you react when you think the thought: the American Health Care System won't take care of me when I am old?
I feel tense, and sad because my mother died at age 73 Ryan Nugent-Hopkins Jersey Authentic , because the American Health Care System didn't seem to know what to do with her after she had a stroke.
I feel serious with no sense of humor.
How do you treat yourself when you think the thought: the American Health Care System won't take care of me when I am old?
I feel a sense of urgency about doing something, like moving out of the country, knowing that a plan to implement Medicare for all Americans may never manifest here. This makes me feel angry and distrustful of the American government.
When did the thought: that the American Health Care System won't take care of me when I am old, first occur to you?
Probably first occurred to me when my mother had a stroke and died 2 months later.
Does this thought bring peace or stress into your experience?
Definitely stress.
Who would you be without the thought: the American Health Care System won't take care of me when I am old?
I would calmly get petition signatures for a single-payer plan in America.
I would have a sense of adventure about moving out of the country.
This last turn-around: I am the American Health Care System, had a certain Power to the People ring to it!
Both my partner and I laughed hysterically with this turn-around.