If you are looking for a real steady income, look no further, or if you are counting on the lottery or for a family member to leave you their fortune. Stop wasting your time Wholesale Jaguars Jerseys , you can start building your own pot of gold at the end of the rainbow with paid membership sites.
If you have something unique and fresh to bring to the table you too could be cashing in with your own successful paid membership site learn more here on getting started http:uniquelyit.paidsite.hop.clickbank.net. There are many ways to get started I have listed a few that will get you started in no time. You could go about this in several ways:
1. Joint Ventures
You could do joint ventures with other online entrepreneurs who are already successful with paid membership sites or start off fresh with partners looking to do the same thing. This does not have to about anything in particular; it can something as simple as finding unusual gadgets or your favorite hobby. You want find a niche that no one has tapped into yet; this is key to your success.
Think about what you are good at, what can you offer; search out partners that specialize in something that you need help in this way all will benefit in the end. Once you have found some partners to work with you can pool your resources to come up with a product or service that is not already being offered by someone else and not offered free on the internet already.
2. USP
You may already have a unique selling proposition (USP) but don't know how to market it to the world. Partnering up with someone may be just what you need to make it work. Building a paid membership site could just be the tool you need to get it started. Having a USP is the key to building a solid foundation for any business.
I mentioned doing joint ventures specifically, you might decide to go do this alone. If that is the case you still need to find a way to harness what you have to offer members. Your knowledge Cheap Jacksonville Jaguars Jerseys , wisdom, education and experiences along with proven documentation to prove it works all you need to build a paid membership site. Your USP may be the special way you can explain, illustrate and break down vital information so others can understand the first time around who knows Cheap Jaguars Jerseys , that is the point we don't know only you can bring this to the surface.
3. Creating a Niche
Don't just start a paid membership site for the profits alone that will not work. You must target your market and you can do that by finding a specific niche that is only specific to those who are looking for that what you have to offer. For example, beanie babies or sure fire proven tips and techniques that work for finding products at rock bottom wholesale prices guaranteed. As mention earlier this can be on just about anything you can build upon.
You want to make your niche is fresh, unique Wholesale Will Richardson Jersey , original and innovative and make sure it is NOT offered for free on the internet anywhere; this will be hard to do but it can be done. You want to corner the market for that product or service you have created. Research what is available and find something that is not being offered and create a ebook or product or service that solves problems people are facing in their daily businesses and lives. Being able to solve other people's problems or provide them with solutions to existing issue's they are seeking answer's to, you will create a steady stream of monthly income for yourself while helping others at the same time.
4. Finding Prospects
This one is easy, your can find prospects for all your joint venture's by posting offers on message boards or forums. Post what you are looking for Wholesale DJ Chark Jersey , many forums have threads where you can post what you want freely. You can also use your signature file to advertise you are looking for joint venture deals. Interested prospects can contact you by using the private message feature right on the forum.
5. How much to charge
This will depend on what you have to offer, and if what you have is of value and can't be easily found elsewhere. You want it to be well worth the monthly fee, you can set up live seminars Wholesale Taven Bryan Jersey , or weekly online brainstorming meeting with special guess or new products, ebooks that only members have access to. You will have no problem with getting people to join, if you target your markets carefully. How much can you earn Wholesale Logan Cooke Jersey , well that depends on what you have to offer. I have seen many sites charge anywhere from $19.95 to $69.95 a month and more.
Let's do some simple math to give you a idea of your income potential here, if you decide to start at $19.95 a month and you get 25 sign-ups in the first day you would have made $498.75 right off the top. Now let's see what that would come to at the $69.95 rate for the same 25 sign-ups; does $1,748.75 should like something you would be interested in monthly. Keep in mind if are offering top of the line information Wholesale Ronnie Harrison Jersey , along with top speakers on the seminar circuit you will make a great deal more. Surely you can get 25 sign-ups from your list alone.
One final thing to think about, if you have done your homework you can put a cap on the number of members you allow to join. Top marketers do this so the internet is not saturated with members who are not using the material offered in the membership. The want people who are going to 'take action' and do not just idlely sit around. This will also add more demand as well; if it's good you will have a waiting list.
So as you can see this could be something big, but you must have all of ducks in a roll standing tall. This is not for some old rehashed information; product or service that has been recycled so many times on the internet everyone has a copy. If that is what you have in mind Wholesale Dante Fowler Jr Jersey , please stop now go back . [url=http://w