Solar energy has undergone tremendous changes Derek Stepan USA Jersey , now it’s very possible to get off the grid by relying on solar energy. In the past, whenever solar energy was mentioned all that people could envision was a cabin somewhere in the woods, which solely relies on solar energy or unattractive solar panels that have been placed on roof tops. This is not the case today David Backes USA Jersey , since solar energy is a reliable form of energy and it can supplement other energy sources such as gas and electricity. Solar as a renewable and alternative source of energy is today a reality that should be embraced both by households and other commercial property owners.
The technology used by solar panels has undergone transformation for the better, there are now affordable and efficient systems that are available in the market. Installing solar energy is expensive when compared to conventional power, but when you consider the high electricity bills; installing solar energy is still a huge saving. The demand for solar energy keeps rising and this is largely attributable to the fact that fuel and utility bills keep shooting. Many buildings under construction are now being fitted with array solar panels which are generally less obtrusive when compared to the ones that were being used in the past. They are also more efficient and they are designed to convert more energy with smaller solar panels than those that were used recently. The smaller sizes make them inconspicuous and they can even blend in with the color theme of your building without appearing unattractive and out of place. Solar panels have now become modernized.
The concept of solar energy is relatively new to most individuals. Whenever you see solar panels on the roof of any building Cory Schneider USA Jersey , it’s important to understand that solar energy is being used to complement other sources of energy. By mixing traditional and solar energy people can make a huge saving by spending less on electricity and gas. Solar energy can give you a saving of up to 65% of your aggregate energy bill and this is the reason why it’s increasingly gaining popularity.
Having solar panels installed on the roof doesn’t cost a fortune and you can have it done by an expert. Many governments are subsidizing solar installation costs so as to encourage more people to make use of this alternative source of energy in a bid to conserve the environment around us.
In my last article I gave a brief introduction to what tax liens are and talked about how you can earn huge returns by investing tax lien certificates and tax deed sales. But it's one thing to know that investing in tax liens can make you money, and it's a completely other thing to actually invest in them. To help get you started I've put together a general guideline of tips to follow and risks to be aware of. Hopefully these help you on your road to becoming immensely wealthy through real estate investing.
Tax Lien Investing Tips
Buy liens at smaller counties. There will be less competition as most institutional bidders will not attend these. Institutional bidders are individuals who are bidding for large companies which invest their money in tax lien certificates. It is not worth it for them to attend tax lien sales at smaller counties as there will be less liens to go around, and the liens themselves will also most likely be smaller.
Buy smaller liens. You will probably get a higher interest rate due to less competition.
Stay during the off times of a sale. Lunch breaks Brian Rafalski USA Jersey , end of the day, and the last day of a sale are prime examples. Catch people asleep and snag the good liens right out from under their noses. Also, at the end of the day it is important to go up to the clerk and ask if there are any more liens for sale. It happens that investors will buy too many liens and not be able to afford to purchase all of them at the end of the day. The county will not re-auction these and 9 times out of 10 will sell them to you over the counter at the maximum percentage interest.
Set max bid amounts. Be loud and assertive. Don't hesitate. Wait till the bidding has settled and bidders have dropped out Brandon Dubinsky USA Jersey , then jump in with a decent sized increase. Know your limits. Buy from obvious commercial properties, using recognizable company names. These liens will almost definitely redeem.
Tax Lien Investing Risks
There are also some negatives associated with tax lien investing. As with everything in life, tax lien investing is not without its dangers. It's extremely important to come to a tax lien auction well prepared and aware of the pitfalls that many people succumb to.
Inaccessible Funds Your money is NOT liquid. This isn't like a savings account or even stocks or mutual funds that you can sell at will. Your money is tied up until the tax lien is paid off. This can be a week Blake Wheeler USA Jersey , a month, a year, or possibly never if the owner doesn't redeem. Do NOT use money you need to pay bills to invest in tax liens!
When a property owner doesn't pay off their lien Ben Bishop USA Jersey , this doesn't mean you are SOL, you just may have to do a little more legwork to recoup your investment. As the lien holder it may now be your responsibility to foreclose on the lien. Or in certain states you may be lucky enough to be the new property owner!
Time and Travel Depending on where you are attending lien auctions you may have to take into account travel time, lodging USA World Cup Jersey , food, gas, etc?It may not seem like a lot USA Hockey Jersey , but it adds up. An easy way to avoid this is to only buy liens in your county or the immediate area. This will save on expenses, but will also limit the amount of liens you can purchase each year.